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php-fpm: PHP FastCGI Process Manager

That's right. Someone's actually got it going. I just discovered this within the last hour, and I am already trying to figure out how I can accelerate it's growth and adoption.


I've already pledged some money and anything else I can help with. Obviously getting an English version up would be great. I have to send a big thanks out there to tony2001 from the PHP project for pointing out his friend's project.

Hopefully in the next week or two I can help fast track this into an English version and show some configuration examples. Famous last words right? I barely update this already... well, I assure you fans, while I may not update my blog that often, I am still alive and kickin and always trying to knock down technical hurdles. I just never get back to the site to share with the world...

I believe this "product" (if you may) will help optimize PHP/FastCGI resources and possibly let some people run setuid/setgid processes and lessen the impact of exploited PHP scripts, not to mention for FastCGI-based hosting it makes life so much simpler. In fact, this has some added optimizations which might accelerate normal FastCGI behavior in PHP too. There's only one feature missing from the list (adaptive process spawning) that I am looking for, otherwise, from what the features show, it's got everything I am looking for and more. Let's get more attention on this project and make it a priority to get into the PHP core...

Categories: Software
  1. mike
    April 21st, 2008 at 01:51 | #1

    Update: I've successfully implemented this on every server I manage. Works like a charm. Gracefully restarts children on its own. Actually, there's no configuration examples to show really, since the XML file is completely self-explanatory...

  1. September 24th, 2008 at 10:16 | #1
    Recent URLs tagged Fastcgi - Urlrecorder
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