Home > Software > Howto: liveupgrade on Solaris Nevada (SXCE, b98/b101/etc.)

Howto: liveupgrade on Solaris Nevada (SXCE, b98/b101/etc.)

November 9th, 2008 Leave a comment Go to comments

One thing most places forget to mention, at least clearly, is the need to update the LU tools before you run the upgrade.

This assumes you have the DVD .iso already on the system, and you are mounting it to a directory (in this example, /export/loop)

First update the LU tools off the new disc. This process wasn't really included in a lot of blogs I read:

mount -F hsfs /path/to/sol-nv-b101-x86-dvd.iso /export/loop
cd /export/loop/Solaris_11/Tools/Installers

*Now* you can run all the LU commands:

lucreate -p rpool -n snv_101
luupgrade -u -n snv_101 -s /export/loop
luactivate snv_101
init 6
shutdown -i6 -g0 -y  (if init 6 doesn't reboot - maybe I was impatient)

P.S. Don't put the .iso on your root pool or it will be included in the filesystem forever and you won't be able to get that space back. Thanks Tim 🙂

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