Home > PHP, PHP-FPM, WordPress > Happy day! PHP-FPM included with PHP 5.3.3RC1, and WordPress 3.0

Happy day! PHP-FPM included with PHP 5.3.3RC1, and WordPress 3.0

Officially in the 5.3.3RC1 distribution. Sweet! From the NEWS file:

17 Jun 2010, PHP 5.3.3 RC1
- Added FastCGI Process Manager (FPM) SAPI. (Tony)

and on an unrelated note:

- Added support for JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK option in json_encode() that converts numeric strings to integers. (Ilia)

Shouldn't this be called JSON_NUMERIC_CONVERT? or JSON_FORCE_INTEGER? It's not just a "check" - guess it's too late now? 🙂

WordPress 3.0...
WordPress 3.0 came out today. Tonight I'll probably upgrade this site and see how well it works. I'm going to check it in to Subversion first so I can roll back if needed.

Some key changes I wanted to talk about...

  • One thing that was highlighted is the option to use custom header images - which can easily be done right now. I did it well over a year ago in a theme. With post meta you can always load metadata about a post and use it in the theme, so this update seems a bit specific to me, since themes were already customizable. Why build a feature that is so specific? Same with background images/colors...
  • Custom menus/menu editor - this could get cool, the menu editor is the more exciting piece as it will allow a visual way to manage the taxonomy. Not sure how it will mix in with tags and categories though, guess that's "I'll see it when I upgrade."
  • MU merge - finally, I can run multiple installs off the same WP install, hopefully, without wp-config.php hacks. How exactly it works I will have to find out.
  • Custom post types - now all of a sudden you can make any sort of object with custom attributes, which opens the door to things such as the item below.
  • WP e-Commerce says they're going to change from using all their extra tables to using core WP schema. That's awesome.

A couple bones to pick...

  • It's not a rewrite. It's still a blogging tool that is being extended further to be a full-featured that can handle "anything" - however the tables are still named "posts" even though now you can create an arbitrary type of item. I'd like to see it renamed and normalized.
  • All the plugins and themes and such are procedural code, but some inner workings such as the DB layer are OO. That seems amateur to me, and unnecessary.

I'd love to see WP get rewritten. It has a LOT of overhead and includes built in that need calling and a lot of other cruft that I stumble across. Go back to the drawing board with building a list of every feature it has, and look at it from a longer term perspective. It's great to see something keep growing, but when it comes down to it, it is still a fork of b2, which was made for blogging, not for anything and everything.

It's got the right idea with extensibility and such, but to me the core has a lot of code - and lots of code means more complicated execution paths, more "I'll just add this in instead of refactor this old code," more cruft. I'm quite sure I could get as much extensibility out of a fresh rewrite with less than half the code under the hood. Things like text styling for example should be moved to a plugin (I disable all the wptexturize filters for example... throw those in an include and make it enabled by default instead!)

Of course, WordPress does have millions of users so it has a proven track record. I can't complain that much, I do use it myself. For blogging, it's the best tool out there. For other things, it typically leverages plugins which may or may not have decent UIs or APIs to interact with. That's where it shows signs of weakness. It also isn't as strict as Drupal when it comes to code conventions either, which would greatly increase the usability of a lot of plugins.

Categories: PHP, PHP-FPM, WordPress
  1. Pandora
    August 4th, 2010 at 09:58 | #1

    location ~ \.php$ {
    try_files $uri =404;

    exploit http://site.ru/images/as5df3.jpeg/.php

  2. Tim
    August 15th, 2010 at 04:22 | #2

    regarding JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK: I have the constant defined in my build of 5.3.3, but json_decode is refusing to accept 4 parameters. Also, what happened to JSON_BIGINT_AS_STRING? - because I actually want the opposite behaviour.

  3. mike
    August 17th, 2010 at 03:08 | #3

    No clue. I just saw it in the NEWS. I've never had to use flags for it yet anyway.

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