nginx rate limiting with a combination of IP and user agent
Here's a quick and dirty way to use IP-based rate limiting (very common) but override it for specific user agents (or basically, this is just a method of chaining geo {} and map {} and other things together - you have to recycle the variables as each following statement's "default" value.
# whitelisted IP ranges - will not have limits applied geo $geo_whitelist { default 0; 1; 1; } # whitelisted user agents - will not have limits applied map $http_user_agent $whitelist { default $geo_whitelist; ~*(google) 1; } # if whitelist is 0, put the binary IP address in $limit so the rate limiting has something to use map $whitelist $limit { 0 $binary_remote_addr; 1 ""; } limit_req_zone $limit zone=perip:30m rate=1r/s;
Categories: nginx