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CrashPlan - what a joke.

August 22nd, 2017 Leave a comment Go to comments

Why would I be using CrashPlan one might ask? Well, I've been waiting years for Backblaze to come up with a consumer/unlimited Linux client for my NAS boxes, and now that B2 is out, I doubt that's happening. 🙂 CP was the only unlimited + Linux option there is.

I've been getting "convert to CrashPlan Pro" emails for a month or two now. I didn't have any interest. But now it is being forced, as they've announced they are exiting the consumer market. They provide an "easy" way and a discount for 12 months to migrate you over to their "small business platform" - except get this.

Some cloud backups will be restarted

Some of your devices have more than 5 TB of data backed up to CrashPlan Central. Due to technical platform constraints of the migration process, each device's cloud backup must be less than 5 TB.

If you continue, these cloud backups will be permanently removed after you migrate your account to CrashPlan for Small Business, and these devices will start new cloud backups.

So two of my NAS units are actually close to 100% backed up (it only took YEARS) - one at 14.7TB, the other at 23TB. Both of those backups, which took forever, are going to be removed. Even though the consumer CrashPlan could support it, and the CrashPlan Pro talks about unlimited backups ("it can be gigabytes or terabytes!") they give me no way to migrate that. That has to start over from scratch.

Need I remind you that CP's upload performance is abysmal, the client is bloated and "Java-ey" and resource intensive. The whole thing is garbage. Sadly, it is the only Linux capable unlimited client out there though still.

If you don't need Linux, don't touch CP. Go with Backblaze. CP has tons of complaints of lost or broken backups, horrible speeds, then this kind of shit.

To allow you time to transition to a new backup solution, we've extended your subscription (at no cost to you) by 60 days. Your new subscription expiration date is 09/21/2017.

How is that 60 days? It's 30 days from today.

I just feel bad for all the people complaining on Twitter about prepaying and CP's policy is no refunds. Their backups will sit on the "Crashplan for Home" system until it expires, I guess - but a backup system with an expiration isn't much of a backup system at all. 🙂

Categories: Consumerism, Software
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