Simple WordPress hack - redirect the index.php!
I don't know how or when, but I wound up getting indexed with index.php in some of my URLs.
For some reason, WordPress hasn't decided that they should parse and remove that. So for the interim, I've decided to finally throw in a couple quick lines of code to do the trick. Throw it in any plugin you want or make a standalone file, it works fine with my 2.6.1 so far.
add_action('init', 'chop_index'); function chop_index() { if(preg_match('/index\.php$/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) { $url = preg_replace('/index\.php$/', '/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $url = preg_replace('/\/\/$/', '/', $url); header("Location: http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$url, true, 301); exit(); } }
Categories: WordPress