Home > Software > Wishlist: blog comment notification service

Wishlist: blog comment notification service

November 6th, 2008 Leave a comment Go to comments

I comment on a lot of random sites and blogs. I usually write down the URL in a text file and hope that someday I'll remember to return to see if there's a reply.

I believe a service exists - I know that "page change notification" services exist, but I'd rather be able to subscribe to an RSS feed of reply notifications - i.e. I post on a blog, I dump the URL into a textbox, and it monitors the site every so often for changes (probably the specific post's comment feed is the only thing that is worthwhile) - even better, someday maybe even automatically adding the URL when the browser notices I've commented.

Anyone got a site out there that does this yet? I've had this on my mental radar for a while. Of course, that doesn't really do anything if I can never get around to finishing anything.

Categories: Software